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Image by Priscilla Du Preez

Tabernacle Care

Infant Dedication

Infant Dedication


Dedicating your child is an act of recognizing that your child belongs to God but is left into your care.


It is affirming before God that you will raise your child in the Christian faith.


Ministry Leader:

Pastor Jo Ann Angelo -

Wedding Ceremony

Wedding Ceremony


We at The Tabernacle are here to make certain that your wedding day is as beautiful as you always dreamed it would be.  It is our utmost desire that you develop a lasting, happy marriage.  We recognize that because your marriage is a religious rite, one of the most important members of your wedding party is the officiating pastor. Your government recognizes this when it gives pastors the authority to legally marry people.  In addition to the legal responsibility placed on the pastor, there are also spiritual responsibilities relevant to the nature of your marriage.


Since you are about to make a lifelong commitment to one person, the Tabernacle Pastoral Staff is committed to protecting the sanctity of that relationship by making your wedding ceremony sacred and worshipful. Our goal is to do all that we can to assist you as a couple to successfully meet the many challenges of married life.  For this reason, the pastor that you choose to officiate will want to counsel with you concerning your approaching marriage; we want to be sure that you realize fully the responsibilities of this covenant relationship.  


While most weddings are performed either in the Sanctuary or the Prayer Center, the pastors are willing to officiate your ceremony at a venue of your choice. Please reach out to secure the date and time of the ceremony and also your choice of officiating Pastor.


A wedding coordinator will be available to see that very detail is carried out exactly as you wish, once you have decided to hold your wedding here at The Tabernacle.


Ministry Leader:

Pastor Jo Ann Angelo -

Funeral - Memorial Service

Funeral / Memorial Services


Planning a funeral or memorial service can be an overwhelming task.  It can be a challenge to work through the details while walking through a time of loss. As a church family, the Pastors of the Tabernacle are always available to assist families during these difficult times of transition. We work very closely with the family, as well as the funeral director, to make sure the wishes of the family are carried out in every detail.  


There are several differences between a Funeral Service and a Memorial Service.  Both celebrate and honor the life of a loved one.  A Funeral Service is more traditional while a Memorial Service tends to be more non-traditional. Memorial Services are becoming increasingly popular as more people are choosing cremation. A funeral will usually occur within a few days of the individual’s’ death.  At the discretion of the family, a funeral will have an open casket ceremony (where the body can be viewed) or a closed casket ceremony. A Memorial Service also pays tribute to the life of the deceased; however, the body of the person that has died is not present.  The Memorial Service can occur days, weeks, even months after the person died.  


Typically, services are held in a church building, however, they can be held at the funeral home or at the cemetery. Along with Scripture and song preferences, the pastor will ask for details of the deceased’s life to allow those in attendance to truly focus on the person who has passed away and remember specific details about them.


Ministry Leader:

Pastor Jo Ann Angelo -

Water Baptism

Water Baptism


Water baptism is the Christian’s response to the grace and forgiveness of God through Jesus Christ.  Water baptism says to God, and all those present, I’m in all the way – that’s why we baptize by full immersion in water.  It says, “I want to be immersed in the Holy Spirit and fire”, “I want to be immersed in the Body of Christ”, “I want to be immersed in the righteous life God has for me”, and much more. 


Our water baptisms are generally scheduled for the evening service on the last Sunday of the Month. Please call the church office to confirm the date and time.


Special Note to Parents or Viewers:

Children 12 and under need their parent or guardian’s approval to be baptized.


Ministry Leader:


Visitation Team

Visitation Team


The Visitation Ministry is a ministry of love and compassion to those who are shut-in. Our teams of one or two individuals are committed to serve by becoming a spiritual lifeline to nursing home residents, the homebound who are confined to their homes because of illness or disability challenges, and those in the hospital.  


Members of the visitation team are there to pray, encourage and share a word of healing with the love of Christ.


Sometimes people would like to chat, but just aren’t up to receiving a visit in person, so we also provide phone visits.


Ministry Leader:

Pastor Jo Ann Angelo -

Hospitality Team

Hospitality Team


The Hospitality team at The Tabernacle has one goal, to make everyone who walks through our doors feel welcomed and part of our family. 


Ministry Leader:

Pastor Jo Ann Angelo -

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