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Triumphant Kingdom of God

Hello Tab Family!

Today, I am sitting in my sunroom (where I apparently spend the far majority of my time lately) pondering this season we are all in, while leaning into the Holy Spirit to stay postured to hear heaven’s perspective.

This time is unprecedented in history,

yet still echoes the stories of nearly every generation.

When I listen to my dad speak of the World War II era, or the times overseas where they experienced political upheaval … when I am teaching world history to my girls for school, or studying it for my Master’s courses, the patterns are clear and similarities undeniable. Go back to the earliest history in the Word of God and read of the plagues in Exodus, the rebuilding of the walls in Nehemiah, the famine time of Joseph, the corrupt leadership of Saul in 1 Samuel, sarcasm among political leaders in 2 Kings, the prophet Jeremiah weeping over the nation, the rise of Rome in the Gospels, Jesus facing the religious spirit of the Pharisees, Paul under continuous persecution and imprisonments, and so on. History continues through the political turmoil of Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire and the Papal States, plagues like the Black Death, ignorance seeming to abound in the Medieval times, the rise of knowledge in the Enlightenment, the persecution of Jews and Christians throughout all the ages, the spread of disease, poverty, and the desperation of human condition abounded in every generation.

We stand on 6,000 years of Prophetic History!

We are not alone. The times seem unique to us, but they are but an echo of every proceeding generation. Yet also woven into history’s narrative are the victories and triumphs of every generation, as one season fades into another. Joseph moves from the prison to the palace and saves a generation. Esther faces Haman and saves her people from annihilation. God uses Moses to save His people from slavery in Egypt via the plagues. David arose as righteous King over Israel after Saul. Paul established the churches and saw immeasurable people converted and established. Jesus rose from the dead and shifted History even after culture crucified Him. The Reformers arose and saw the political power of the papal structure weaken, with true Biblical faith advanced, Bibles in the hands of ordinary people and the rebirth of a supernatural faith.

The Kingdom of God always WINS, always ADVANCES, and always TRANSFORMS culture.

We are about to see a CHURCH TRIUMPHANT emerge. The Kingdom of God will be born and established in our generation. A new harvest of souls, alongside signs, wonders, and miracles is at hand. The church is discovering new techniques to advance the gospel, new strategies for building, and new platforms of influence. As society and political structures search for answers, we already have them. A remnant people is arising, taking their place as pillars in the 7 mountains of culture: government, education, health and sciences, business, media and arts, family and the church.

It’s time to arise as kingdom leaders, be equipped and take our place in culture.

I fully believe that the season of “celebrity Christianity” has halted and the time is here for the people to arise. You are today a part of an Apostolic House, that is here to equip you for the work of the ministry in all spheres of culture (Ephesians 4:11-16) … and through this, we will see REVIVAL!

Pentecost is Coming!


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