Women's & Men's Ministries
Women's Ministry
3D Woman
3D Woman Buffalo is a local satellite of the national 3D woman organization and the central ministry to women at The Tabernacle. The national 3D ministry was founded by Delia Knox and our Pastor, Aimee Sych. It has since grown to satellites around the world and an international television show produced by the TCT Television Network, hosted by Delia Knox, Aimee Sych, and Michelle McKinney Hammond.
3D’s Vision
3D Woman consists of Women from three dimensions; the Single woman, the Wife, and the Mother, who walk in all three dimensions of a 3D Woman – Determination, Distinction & Destiny. We are Women who collectively as One People, One Call, are determined to live in a manner of distinction, being set apart, to live our lives in the destiny God has purposed for us.
3D Woman Buffalo offers women a chance to connect and get involved through social media access, our testimony blog, our inspirational article blog, various events, conferences and online teachings.
You need to know that you were prayed for … that we have believed for you. No matter what place in life you may find yourself today, God can and will meet you there. He has high heights for you to soar and yet the deepest depths for you to plunge. If you will just open your heart and let Jesus in, you will find that he will heal your hurts, meet you in the place of your greatest disappointments, and set your feet on the path to the destiny for which you were created for: to become a 3D Woman, Determined, Distinct, and Destined!
Tuesdays at 6:30pm
Ministry Leaders:
Pastor Aimee Reid-Sych - asych@thetab.org
Pastor Wanda Reid
Men's Ministry
Men of Valor
We are about creating opportunities for men to know Christ better, and to have greater confidence in our true identity. We promote fellowship among men, whether through Bible study, small group, or a fellowship event.
We meet on Tuesday evenings in the World Prayer Center at 7:00pm, and also for Saturday breakfast meetings during the year that feature speakers, sharing testimonies, and worship. Our annual Mighty Man of Valor awards are presented each September, an event open to anyone who wishes to attend, and we are hoping to plan a retreat for early Spring. In addition to this, our men are frequently asked to assist in various projects on and off the church campus.
Tuesdays at 6:30pm in the World Prayer Center
Ministry Leader: