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Dear Tabernacle Family,

Remember when Elijah fearlessly faced Ahab in one of the most unthinkable challenges of all time? (1 Kings 18:16-46) Elijah spoke to the 450 prophets on Mount Carmel, “How long will you waver between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him, but if Baal is God, follow him.” Mount Carmel was the ultimate throw down. Elijah called down fire from heaven to miraculously burn up the altar. Elijah bravely and boldly declared that God is God! But it wasn’t until hours later that his fearless obedience grew dark after receiving Queen Jezebel’s message that she was going to kill him. Struck by fear, he ran, terrified he would be killed like the rest of the prophets she shamelessly picked off.

Fear took over. Hopelessly defeated, he sat under a tree and begged God to take his life. The fear and anxiety of losing his life was crippling to him. But God, in His mercy and love, provided for his needs and He told him to “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.” Hours earlier, Elijah had witnessed the great and mighty power of God. He didn’t need to see the great power in the life-threatening winds, explosive earthquake, or the blazing fire. The whisper of God’s still small voice changed everything. Pulling his cloak over his face, Elijah was humbled in God’s presence. Elijah’s fear wasn’t rooted in losing his life to Jezebel. It was that he didn’t know God’s plan. It wasn’t a lack of faith in His power. It was a lack of trust in His plan. He feared what he didn’t know. He felt alone, trapped, and hopeless until the still small voice reassured him he was not alone. God’s hope for him was that He had reserved a remnant!

Given all that is going on in the world right now, we might not understand God’s plan. Our future may be uncertain but God says fear not! Don’t run and hide due to fear of the unknown and the questions of what lies ahead. I believe God is saying to us as a church, “Come up to the mountain. Meet me there. Hear my still small voice. Here is the hope I have for you; that I have reserved a remnant to rise up in faith. You are not alone. You don’t have to run and hide.” He is whispering His truth to us. Let’s join together as the remnant. Humble ourselves, pray, seek His face, turn from our wicked ways and THEN HE will hear from heaven and heal our land. (2 Chron 7:14) Together we will rise. Together we will cry out. Together we will overcome. Look up, see a cloud, and hear the still small movement.

In His Name,

Pastor Jenn Cupicha

Children's Education Pastor

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Hello Tab Family!

This weekend has been set aside for us to tune in, posture ourselves, and hear the voice of God. In these days of information that continuously penetrates our lives from every angle, it is vital that we lean in perhaps like never before, to hear The Voice that supersedes all other voices … in fact, this Voice has dominion over all other voices. This Voice will render verdicts over situations, circumstances, crisis, and yes, even disease!!

God is always speaking, so just how do we as individuals hear the Voice of God over all the other noise around us?

Matthew 13:43 in the Amplified Bible gives us a clue, “Then will the righteous (those who are upright and in right standing with God) shine forth like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Let him who has ears [to hear] be listening, and let him consider and perceive and understand by hearing.”

This scripture is set in the context of “eternal” things … of the Eternal Kingdom. There is an eternal reality that we are to hear, comprehend & understand. It is available now! In fact, Luke 17:21 says that it’s so close, it’s within us!! That eternal reality, the reality of the supernatural is greater than our natural reality! In this eternity kingdom reality is completeness of truth, and the full dimension of supernatural power … when we hear the voice of this reality, the things of the Spirit, we can then speak them forth into our natural reality and see supernatural results!!!!

To hear, in the greek, has a rich connotation. It means understanding of what has been naturally heard. It is to perceive the sense of what is said, to perceive by the ear what is announced in one’s presence, to learn, to give ear to a teaching or a teacher, and to comprehend. Many may hear something audibly, but do they hear in this dimension of perception and comprehension?

What are some of the ways that God speaks? • Gentle voice within (guiding, directing, affirming, revealing…) • Spontaneous flow of thought that comes amidst worship, prayer, or seeking God in His Word • Guidance through others (trusted spiritual mentors) • Spiritual truths through 5-fold ministry • The voice of prophecy through Prophets & prophetic gifts flowing in His body • Rhema word that the Holy Spirit illuminates from the written Word • Visions & Dreams • Circumstances, signs around us, and many times through His creation

So then, what are the ways we can place ourselves in a position to hear His voice? • Change your atmosphere through worship • Set your heart toward the Word & His Presence continuously • Seek to deepen your knowledge of the Word (read & study even when it seems dry) • Journal your time with Him, keeping record of the thoughts that flow during that time • Hear from the 5-fold ministry (stay open & receptive) • Be faithful to the corporate worship setting (there is much that God reserves to be revealed in the corporate setting)

Finally, what should we do with what we hear? • Keep our heart sensitive and pure before Him • Consider the word, ponder it in our heart • Seek to grow in understanding by confirming it in scripture • Let the word take root in us (expand its root-system deeply into our hearts) • Seek His Presence continually • Share with trustworthy spiritual mentors • Let His wisdom arise show forth as to when to speak the word forth

Things “heard” in the Spirit are eternal, and have eternal impact! Let’s tune our ear in, to hear what the Spirit is saying for us as individuals, a corporate body & beyond!

Pastor Aimee

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Dear Tabernacle Family,

The people of the Tabernacle choose optimism. Optimism rooted in hope!

I love this quote by one of Bishop Robert’s friends, Daniel Juster: “The Bible is very optimistic about the end times. Jesus is returning and the world will be redeemed and restored not ‘coming to an end’”

Is it easier when looking at a fallen world for us to subscribe to a nihilistic gospel version? Where did we come up with this, “Coming to an end” idea? Does it help justify the neglect of personal responsibility for helping restore and redeem the broken world? Are we justifiably saying, “It’s all going to get blown up anyway. How can I make things any better?”

The true optimistic gospel message of the redemption and restoration of the world is a weight of responsibilty. It means we carry a great weight and responsibility as humanity to help the Messiah carry out a great act. He has empowered us through the great commission to work towards repairing a broken world.

The Bible is also clear that there will be an epic battle between those on the side of evil and those on the side of good. Essentially those “working to destroy the world” (EVIL) against those “working to repair the world” (GOOD).

Let’s challenge ourselves to choose optimism each day. Not naive optimism, but the optimistic hope-filled vision of restoring and redeeming the world. It’s this heavy burden of responsibility that welcomes the Spirit of Messiah to lead us out of our lives of comfort and into repairing and restoring a broken world.

Today let’s choose to cooperate with the personal repairs the Holy Spirit is leading us in our own lives. While on that path, we can help others in their journey of repairing their lives and world. With the Messiah’s help, we can repair the world. Let’s be optimistic, let’s choose hope!! Tikkun Olam!

Who’s with me?

Pastor Mark Passarella

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