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Hello Tab Family!

Right at this moment, I am sitting outside our RV overlooking the St Lawrence Seaway, watching boaters and ships pass by and feeling the breeze on my face. It's a time of regrouping, of relaxing, of family … and a time when I am seeking the presence and thoughts of God!

For the last many months, we have all watched and felt the tremors of the earth as it “groans” for something greater. People are crying out for justice, and the world is warring over what that actually means. Everyone has their variation of “the problem” and “the answers.” Genuine cries and tragedy are being exploited as politics, and the heart of the issues are being gravely missed. May I offer that perhaps it isn’t really the depravity of parts of history that people are crying out about, or the even the current injustices … could it be that it is really the world being awakened to a spiritual cry?!

Romans 8:18-22 in the Passion Translation says, “I am convinced that any suffering we endure is less than nothing compared to the magnitude of glory that is about to be unveiled within us. The entire universe is standing on tiptoe, yearning to see the unveiling of God’s glorious sons and daughters! For against its will the universe itself has had to endure the empty futility resulting from the consequences of human sin. But now, with eager expectation, all creation longs for freedom from its slavery to decay and to experience with us the wonderful freedom coming to God’s children. To this day we are aware of the universal agony and groaning of creation, as if it were in the contractions of labor for childbirth.”

There is a cry that is being revealed in creation: it is a genuine cry coming from a people, yet being expressed in human ways that are deeply flawed. Can we as a kingdom people hear beyond the noise, the violence, the politics, the pride, and the darkness to hear the sound of the Spirit?

God is releasing a sound of the Spirit in this hour! It is a sound that will shake the heavens and the earth. It is a sound that will awaken the church from its apathy. It is a sound of a general lining up his troops. It is a sound of the rallying of unified forces. It is a sound of the hoof beats of the white horse upon the clouds! The King is on the move and He is seeking to align the scattered remnant to His mighty sound, His purposes in this hour, and His heart that is aggressively beating to redeem the earthly kingdoms.

Revelation 11:15 NKJV, “Then the seventh angel sounded: And there were loud voices in heaven, saying, “The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!”

Many look to this Revelation scripture as a sudden apocalyptic event, but a scholarly study of the book of Revelation in its original language, shows a progressive transformation toward a new heavens and new earth. While that study cannot be unpacked here, the witness of scripture confirms a rising of the people of God amidst the decay of this world. A church will emerge triumphant and begin to restore the ruins caused by the flawed expressions of humanity’s cry. We, in this hour, have an opportunity to become the manifestation of Isaiah’s prophecies in our day, rising as “the repairer of the breach,” “the restorers of streets to live in,” “raising up former devastations … of many generations.” (Isaiah 58:12; 61:4 NRSV)

The moment of opportunity is NOW to turn our mind rehearsals into kingdom thinking, our frustrations into strategies, our fear into love, and our helplessness into supernatural power. As earthly kingdoms and systems fail, we will see God’s people stationed in key places of influence in culture and begin to see the reality of the kingdoms of this world becoming the kingdom’s of our God.

Let’s lean in together to hear the sound!

Pastor Aimee

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Mark 1 16-18 TPT

16 As Jesus was walking along the shore of Lake Galilee, he noticed two brothers fishing: Simon and Andrew. He watched them as they were casting their nets into the sea 17 and said to them, “Come follow me and I will transform you into men who catch people instead of fish!”[a] 18 Immediately they dropped their nets and left everything behind to follow Jesus.

In this scripture, we clearly see the invitation from Jesus to come and follow him. Following him means transforming our lives and leading those around us to Him. This summer, 25 Young Adults from our region are doing just that. Our Young Adult Ministry is hosting the first “Young Adult Summer Leadership Experience Program” for 5 Tuesdays this summer. This group of young adults are pursuing development and growth in community, service, leadership, morals and ministry. I believe with my whole heart that we, together, are called to Follow Christ and Lead a Generation. The time to walk that out is needed now more than ever. Would you join me in prayer for this group as we are poured into by our Tabernacle leaders, learn and practice evangelism tools and experiences and, most of all, encounter Jesus as we choose to follow Him above all else!

In anticipation,

Michael Wulf

Young Adult Ministry Director

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Hey Tab Family,

This week in light of our VBS, I am reminiscing about what it was like to be a kid. Remember back in “the day” or what the kids now call “Old School?” Man, we were so cool with our pinch-rolled stonewashed jeans or jams, scrunch socks, high hair-sprayed hair, or if you were really cool... a mullet!

As I go back and relive when I got saved, I remember vividly my first encounter with God. Where I was, what it felt like, how I processed it, who I knew God was at that moment. I’ll never forget how nothing else in the world mattered and suddenly He became my everything. Even just typing this I have tears running down my face remembering that moment; the moment when I discovered God! This VBS, we are taking it back to that moment where we first discovered God and the adventure of it all.

As we are Keepin' it Old School, as a kid I was a prolific question asker! I probably drove my parents crazy with my questions. I wish I could say that I have grown out of that, but I am fascinated by everything. How something works the way it does, why someone did what they did. What does this mean? So naturally, as a kid, I had so many questions about God. WHO is God, WHAT is He like, WHERE is God, HOW does He move, WHY do God and I exist? Next week, we are going back to basics and answering those questions! I can't wait to see what the Lord will do with it. Will you join me in reminiscing about life as a kid and the awe and wonder of an awesome God? Come on this adventure with us back to the heart of child-like faith and keep it old school as we discover God together again!

Tomorrow starts our Virtual Bible School (VBS) Live on The Tab’s Facebook and YouTube from 7:00 - 8:00pm July 13th - 17th! We are so excited to be able to bring the word of the Lord virtually!

While we are virtually having games, crafts, skits, funny videos, worship, messages, and an amazing puppet, the heart of what we are doing for kids camp is still the same. To share the love of God through His Word by the power of the Holy Spirit. As the kingdom advances and children encounter Jesus like never before, I'm asking you to please join us in prayer for this event. We believe that God doesn't just show up in a building, He is right where you are. The Holy Spirit is not limited by location or technology. HE IS GOD! Thank you for partnering with us in prayer for this event. By doing so, you are impacting eternity for our future generations.


Jenn Cupicha

Tabernacle Children's Pastor

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