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Dear Tabernacle Family,

This past week has been a week of early decorating for Christmas for me at both The Tab and at home. And what a fun time it has been! (said somewhat sarcastically) We flocked, lit and decorated about 15 trees, including a 12 foot and a 9 foot one. Every time I move I am still leaving a trail of flock-flakes behind me! ’Tis the season, right?!

But on the flip side, I love to come home in the evening and sit by the tree (in my over-decorated house) with a cup of coffee, my Yorkie on my lap, my girls and husband at my side on the big sectional couch, and feel that sense of a peaceful home. In the insanity and uncertainty in world around us today, those moments are to be prioritized, cherished, and intentionally remembered.

This year, I was struck by many Christmas poems by civil rights forerunner and minister, Howard Thurman. As we enter this season and all that is swirling around us, this particular poem has become a declaration to me:

“Christmas is the Season of Affirmation”

I affirm my faith in the little graces of life:

The urgency of growth, the strength of laughter,

the vitality of friendship.

I affirm my confidence in the dignity of man:

His fortitude in despair, his strength in weakness,

his love in hatred.

I affirm my joy in the experience of living:

The fragrance of nostalgia, the scattered moments of delight,

the exhilaration of danger.

I affirm my need of my fellows:

The offerings of faith, the gifts of variety,

the quality of difference.

I affirm my hunger for God:

The desire for fulfillment, the ache for understanding,

the sense of peace.


Howard Thurman

From The Mood of Christmas & Other Celebrations (1985)

In these affirmations, we see the priority of significant, common values in all our lives: the everyday special graces of life, the dignity of humankind, the experience of living, the need for fellowship, and our hunger for God.

The world today is warring against ALL of these values. There is a nefarious spirit that is roaring about, trying to rob us of the joys of life, the dignity and potential of every human life, our beautiful love of fellowship and gathering together, and the hunger for God that cannot be fulfilled with any other false substitute. May we not blame others for what this nefarious spirit is trying to accomplish. We must rise and take authority over that foul enemy, press in to the heart of God and the kingdom values that live within us!

The values of the kingdom of God are eternal and of the highest worth. In this season, let’s arise together and intentionally pursue these affirmations as a top priority! May heaven come and be made known in the most powerful, tangible way in our lives, our families, our church, our communities and nation!

In Covenant,

Pastor Aimee

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Dear Tabernacle Family,

I know the last couple weeks have seemed like a year and this year has seemed like a decade; even though time is flying by at an accelerated rate and sometimes it's hard for our emotions to even catch up. My peace has been resilient as these words have been reverberating in my spirit. “Behold the one who sits on the throne!” (Rev 4:2)

Can you imagine it? The throne of the King of all creation; no one is greater, no one more worthy to sit on it, no one is more majestic, and no one is more loving. In the book of Revelation, John is taken there for a moment and fell on the ground at his feet as though he was dead. “Behold the one who sits on the throne!”

The throne of the living God who is faithful and true. Faithful to keep His promise to never leave us or forsake us. He is true, He is not a liar! We know because He is who he says He is, and will do what He says he will do. “Behold the one who sits on the throne!” The governments of the world rest upon his shoulders. Psalm 103:19 says The Lord has established His throne in heaven and His kingdom rules over all. He isn’t surprised by anything happening in the craziness and He isn’t fazed by it because He rules over all of it. “Behold the one who sits on the throne!” Webster defines the word behold as: to gaze upon; to perceive through sight. When we behold the one who sits on the throne, we see him for who He really is. This creates a peace that passes all understanding. Beholding him is when we truly see Him and can’t help but trust in His leadership. I want to encourage you to remember to “Behold the one who sits on the throne!”

In His Name,

Pastor Jenn Cupicha

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As we head into this holiday season, sharing the love of Christ with others is even more important than in previous years. This is especially true for those served through The Tabernacle Food Pantry and the Boxes of Love Holiday Food program. With over 40 families served each week at the pantry and preparations currently taking place to distribute over 500 Thanksgiving Boxes of love, the volunteers for these ministries are lifelines to those they reach.

In a way only God can make possible, these ministries reach out to those it serves and those who serve. Speaking with several dedicated and caring volunteers, it is clear how God is working in their lives. Seeing the pantry through the volunteers’ eyes, not only as place to give one’s time, but a place where they themselves receive ministry.

The volunteers commented on the blessing of relationships with fellow volunteers and clients alike, and how those relationships are what makes the pantry such a special place and Boxes of Love such an impacting event. The Spirit-filled atmosphere as people share with one another and lift each other up with words and in prayer was specifically mentioned.

One long time volunteer’s first comment was “I so enjoyed our clients!!” She continued on to say: “I think the important part of the pantry is not built on ‘big’ miracles but the weekly relationships we build with the clients. We love on them by listening and caring about their circumstances and problems and praying with them if they want us to. I felt many of them came not only for the food but also for the friendship. Many are lonely and in difficult situations. My life was richer by getting to know them.”

Another volunteer’s perspective highlighted each person’s commitment. “I’ve never worked at a food pantry before, but I couldn’t help but notice all the dedication of each individual working. First and foremost, it was the passion of Jim and Lisa Delmont to feed the hungry in our community. Their willingness to pray and share Christian love to all who came through our door. Then there was the abundance of food sharing from many of our local businesses and farmers. Also, the workers who are so willing to unload trucks and carts of donations no matter what.”

We extend a warm and grateful ‘Thank You’ to the special individuals who support these ministries with their time and energy. Although the food pantry and Boxes of Love are currently on a standby list for volunteers, both ministries still need your prayers and financial support. Please prayerfully consider what you can do to further God’s call in this area.

If any of our church family are in need of a box for Thanksgiving or Christmas, please call The Tabernacle office as soon as possible to be placed of the receiving list. Your Thanksgiving box pick up date would be Monday, November 23 between 9:30am – 3:00pm.

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